
134. tétel

Zsuzsa Heller Inner energies 7.

19x7x7 cm

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Price 140 000 HUF



Zsuzsa Heller


Budapest, 1953

1971 és 1976 között a Fischer Ernő festőművész által vezetett Moholy-Nagy Stúdióba járt rajzolni és mintázni. Közben elvégezte a kerámia szakiskolát. 1989-90 között Kassák Lajos-ösztöndíj, 1992-93 között a Római Magyar Akadémia ösztöndíjasa. 1990-ben ösztöndíjasként a Siklósi Kerámia Alkotótelepen dolgozott. 1991: az MKT, 1982: a Fiatal Iparművészek Stúdiója tagja. 1986: IX. Országos Kerámia Biennálé, Pécs, a Művészeti Alap különdíja; 1989: Fiatal Iparművészek Stúdiója, éves kiállítás díja; 1990: XI. Országos Kerámia Biennálé, Pécs, az MM különdíja; 1993: Art Revue, Budapest, különdíj. 1972 és 1980 között használati edényeket készített, majd a 80-as évektől porcelánplasztikáin kollázstechnikát alkalmazott: geometrikus formákat ötvözött lágy, amorf elemekkel. 1988 óta porcelán és pirogránit alapanyagú plasztikai együttesekkel foglalkozik (Bábel Tornya-sorozat).


1976 Graduated Bókai Dezső Collage of Ceramic Arts, Budapest
1976 Own Studio since
1972 Attended Moholy-Nagy Free School, Budapest


National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists
Association of Hungarian Artists and Craftsmen
Federation of Hungarian Ceramic Artists
Hungarian Sculptors’ Society
Hungarian Artist's Association


2017 „Csigo Art Fest” Japanese-Hungarian exhibition, Gallery Stilus, Gyulakeszi
2015-16 Selection- Stilus Gallery, Gyulakeszi, Hungary
2011 Terrane for pleasure I. II. III. installlation at Gallery Faur Zsófi Budapest
2011 „Lost limit” (with Carlo Maglitto) installations and objects – SKIN Gallery Brescia (I)
2009 Interactions-objects and installations- G13 Art Gallery, Budapest
2008 Wall-Paintings, Kempinski Gallery, Budapest
2007 ’Lifeline’ Memory of the deceased – installation, Fészek Gallery Budapest
2003 Gallery of the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin
2002 "Vizivarosi"Gallery with Aron Gabor
2001 Inter-Europa Bank,Branch of Pasaret
1998 Parragh Gallery, Budapest
1998 BNP Dresdner Bank, Budapest
1997 Hungarian French Institute
1997 Pannon Pipe, Budapest,
1996 Prague, Czech Republic, Hungarian Institute with A. Gábor
1996 Zlata Koruna, Czech Republic with A.Gábor
1994 Budapest, Hungary, Fészek Gallery
1993 Pécs, Hungary, Smoll Gallery with A. Gábor
1992 Székesfehérvár, Hungary
1991 Badacsony,Hungary, Pandora Gallery
1989 St.Pölten, Austria, City Gallery
1987 Stuttgart, Germany, Schaller Gallery
1986 Budapest, Duna Gallery
1984 Budapest, Applied Arts Center
1983 Hungarian Institute, Helsinki, Finland
1983 City Gallery, Porvoo, Finland
1983 Budapest,László Paál Gallery
1981 Videoton Community Center, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
1978 Marczibányi téri Community Center, Budapest
1977 Majus 1 Cinema, Budapest Group Exhibitions 2017 II. National Ceramic Quadriennale, Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art, Pécs, Hungary
2017 Pelso, XI. National Ceramics and Gobelin Biennial, Balaton Museum, Keszthely
2017 30x30cm Istvan Hoffmann Private Collection, Műcsarnok, Budapest
2016 Society of Hungaian Ceramist's Exhibition in MKISZ Clubhouse, Budapest
2015 Mistik-mistiche cerimonie- Villa Biener Arte Contemporanea, Cipressa, Italy
2014 Evidence3- Sculpture Biennial- Szentendre, Hungary
2014 Living DESIGN - Gallery Faur Zsófi Budapest
2014 Gondold át Arbeit macht frei” Symbol Art Galéria, Siófok, Hungary
2014 MEGA Pixel, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2013 „Babele con vista”Cipressa, Italy
2013 Art Market Budapest, Hungary
2013 Viewing Angles, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2013 I.National Ceramic Quadriennale, , Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art, Pécs, Hungary
2012 SPACE- SPOTS II. Sculpture Biennial, Szentendre Művészet Malom, Hungary
2011 VIII. Pelso National Ceramics and Gobelin Biennial, Balaton Museum, Keszthely
2010 II. Ars Pannonica Fine Art Biennal, Szombathely, Hungary
2010 I. Hungarian Sculptor Company, Vizivárosi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary 2009 Craft & Design , Museum of Applied Art, Budapest
2009 „Pelso” Exhibition, Keszthely, Hungary
2009 „Dedukcio” I. Sculptor Biennial, Szentendre, Hungary
2008 Artworks from Private Collections, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
2008 Exhibition of the Society of Hungarian Sculptors in the Contemporary Hungarian Gallery in Slovakia
2007 "The Northern Shore" Fine Art Exhibition, MODEM Debrecen , Hungary
2007 "Sites in Time & Processes in Time" Exhibition & Symposium, Erdős Renée House,
2006 International Flag Exhibition Milano, Italy
2006 Hungarian Ceramics Biennial, Pecs, Hungary
2006 "Provocazioni" International Fine Art Exhibition, Bordighera, Italy
2005 "Sacrifice-Forgiving" Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest
2005 Hungarian Ceramic Artists' Society, Olof Palme House, Budapest
2004 VI Biennal Internacional de Ceramica MANISES, Valencia
2003 Hungarian Ceramic Art II. Festival,Budapest
2002 "AGORA" Arte in Piazza Bordighera,Italy
2001 Ceramics in Architecture Vigado Gallery,Budapest
1999 Half Century Of Hungarian Ceramic Art, Budapest
1999 Gallery of the Hungarian Consulate in New York
1998 Exhibition in the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
1997 Pelso Exhibition in Keszthely, Hungary
1996 Exhibition with Society of Hungarian Ceramists in Budapest
1995 Exhibition with Society of Hungarian Ceramits in Budapest
1995 The Masters of the Clay, Vigado Gallery, Budapest
1994 Ceramics Exhibition, Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna
1994 ICC Exhibition in Prague
1994 Society of Hungaian Ceramist's Exhibition in Gödöllö
1993 Art Revue Budapest
1992 Csok Gallery, Budapest, Society of Hungarian Ceramists
1991 ART EXPO, Budapest
1991 Csok Gallery, Budapest, Society of Hungarian Ceramists
1989-91 European Ceramics Exhibition(Helsinki, Budapest, Madrid, Prague, Linz, Paris)
1989 Pécs,Hungary, Small objects Biennial
1987 Zagreb, Yugoslavia Mini-Ceramics Triennial
1987 Pécs,Hungary, Small objects Biennial
1986 Partcipated in all Hungarian Ceramics Biennials sibce 1986-2006, Pécs
1986 Faenza, 44. International Ceramics Biennia
1985 Vigado Gallery, Budapest, Young Artists' Exhibition
1985 Frankfurt, Germany, Art Fair
1984 Ernst Museum, Budapest, Young Artists' Exhibition
1983 Duna Gallery, Budapest, Young Artists' Exhibition
1982 Kecskemét, Hungary, National Triennial of Ceramic Design
1980 International Trade Fair, Amsterdam, Holland,
1980 Objects-Works Exhibition, Budapest, Vigado Gallery
1979 Frankfurt,Germany,Trade Fair
1979 Urban Lifestyle-Modern Home Applied arts Exhibition, Celldömölk
1978 Hungarian Week Applied arts Exhibition, Helsinki

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